This is the 4th time presenting this material, and each time the engagement, excitement, and interest of the audience is very high. What I find surprising is how few businesses out there actually take the time to work through this process, and develop their own brand. In the employment advertising world in which I work (quick plug for the sites of JobsInTheUS!), we see the quality of thousands of job postings everyday- some are terrific, most are mediocre to subpar.
My original thought process when developing this seminar and webinar was to provide HR directors and business leaders with a blueprint to help them increase their hiring success, thereby elevating their employee retention and productivity, and reducing turnover costs. I am from a marketing background, and understand that much of the information and expertise provided by an employment advertising ageny or recruitment advertising agency, can be learned and developed internally by the in-house personnel and recruitment professionals- those in charge of attracting, screening, and hiring the best possible candidates for their company.
The question I now find myself asking through my internal dialogue is whether or not this is a duty that is or should be a priority of the personnel and recruiting professionals that are employed by a company? OR, is this an effort best left to the "industry experts" as an outsourced function?
Now, I will be the first to admit that I am an idealist. And I think that deep down I believe that the most fundamental and elementary role of HUMAN RESOURCES is to ensure that a business has the very best people in place, working as effectively and efficiently as possible, to achieve the company's stated goals and mission.
That being said, I'm not naive, and do understand that the HR environment includes a much fuller landscape with many more integrated ecosystems that must be dealt with- from adherance to employment laws to personnel disputes to OSHA regulations and now even supervision of alignment with S/OX compliance. OF course there's also benefits, compensation, retention strategies.... I could go on and on as I'm sure that you, the readers of this blog, understand.
My point is that I question whether outsourcing the company's efforts to attract top talent is really in the company's best interest. Maybe it is. Perhaps, the best possible situation is to have a very close and open relationship with the right agency and maintain oversight of the direction, tone, and image that is being built, while allowing the experts create the graphics, place the advertising, handle the copy writing, etc.
I'd like to get input from anyone who finds themselves on any side of this issue: one who outsources, one who handles this in-house, or an agency who is hired to handle these issues.
That's the view from the Recruiting Front Lines- I'll be in touch soon.
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