My Headlines


We have moved to Wordpress! Posted by Jason Links to this post The Recruiting Front Lines has evolved. At the beginning of the year, I changed jobs within my company, moving away from Outreach and Education, and into my new role as Director of Business Development. While I remain closely involved with our field activity, I am now more focused on strategic partnerships, social media, and the world of internet recruitment resources. As I have made this change, the focus of my blog content has also changed. Recently, I began to feel that many of the ideas I had for blog posts would not fit within the framework of The Recruiting Front Lines. This was a cause of some frustration, as I felt that I was either misrepresenting my content with the title of my blog, or that I was stifling my writing because I felt it didn't fit. To rectify this situation, I have created a new blog home, now on WordPress. I am still ironing out the wrinkles, but feel that it is far enough along that I can move all my past content, and begin posting all new content, at the new address. I would like to formally welcome everyone to come check out my new home at I can't wait to hear what you think! Best Regards, and Thank you for your time and attention over the past 18 months. Jason

Feb 8, 2008

Job Fairs

Well, it was a productive day for a Friday. Our company is launching a job fair of it's own in NH in March. We had carefully selected the date, location, time, and focus, and we're off to a great start. It's amazing how few good career events there are in NH, compared with ME. This is a great event to showcase how much we can motivate people to get up and out. We are partnering with NHWorks and the Nashua Chamber to promote the event, and I'm pretty sure we'll get 1,000 job seekers in, averaging 40 years of age, and almost all currently employed.

I'll also be attending a summer camp career fair in Maine on SUNDAY. I'll let you know how that one turned out after it's done.

Feb 6, 2008

VABIR Recognizes Vermont Employers



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LibertyMutual Recruiter




Today, the recruiting front lines were located in Burlington VT... for me anyhow. VABIR, the Vermont Association of Business Industry and Rehabilitation held an employer recognition breakfast to thank the local businesses who are actively providing employment opportunities and support to VABIR's clients. Beverly Manitsky, an Education and Outreach Consultant who works with JobsInVT was recognized for her work presenting a workshop on internet job hunting. This presentation included how to find and use relevant key words, how to search by specific industry or location, how to identify legitimate job opportunities, how to set up career agents, and how to create effective e-resumes that can be found in resume databases. Beverly has worked with JobsInVT for a couple years now, and has been providing outreach to job seekers and employers across northern VT, and I am very glad to call her an associate. She represents JobsInVT and JobsInTheUS very well, and her presence on the ground goes a long way to building long term relationships.

For JiVT, the educational seminars are a great way to provide outreach into the community, and help qualified local job seekers better understand how internet job hunting works, and how they can use web-based resources more effectively. You may or may not be surprised by the number of people who are still not comfortable or confident using the web to find jobs. We find this to be common among all types of groups: from professionals in transition who haven't searched for a job in more than 10 years to college seniors preparing to graduate, blue collar, white collar, no collar- virtually all demographics have some population that still are hesitant to utilize the internet for business or job related activities. With the decline in page counts and increase in costs for newspaper advertising, the recruiting market has made a shift to the internet for advertising, starting in 1996 and outspending print for the first time in 2007. I am glad to work for an organization that understands that with this dramatic and extremely fast transition, comes a need to better prepare both job seekers and employers on how to leverage the power of the web for employment purposes.

Anyhow, I'll get off my soap box now, and get back to VABIR. This was a very nice breakfast and despite an unexpected blizzard, had a very good turnout. The guest speaker provided a very moving and honest story about how he first got involved with VABIR, and the transformation that he has undergone as a result. I will post more on the speaker soon. Keep your eyes peeled. Below is some info on VABIR, and their mission.

IF you have a positive story about employing people with disabilities through a VABIR program, please add a comment and share your experience.

VABIR's Business Advisory Council

The VABIR Business Advisory Council (BAC) is a group of businesses which help support the rehabilitation process. The Council provides access to training and jobs that are compatible with the skills and abilities of people with disabilities.

The Council works to improve opportunities for people with disabilities by:

  • Developing working partnerships between the rehabilitation and business communities.
  • Encouraging greater understanding and awareness of disability issues.
  • Assisting VABIR to educate the employing community about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities.
  • Developing strategies to increase employment outcomes for people with disabilities.
  • Exchanging ideas and information.

VABIR’s Board of Directors sets policy for the organization and is held accountable to VABIR’s various funding sources.

Feb 5, 2008

Using HR Policies to INCREASE Revenue!

Happy Fat Super Tuesday everyone! This morning I attended a presentation by Merritt Carey, founder of Graffam Solutions, at the Human Resource Association of Southern Maine. The title of the meeting was Disability as Diveristy & How to Use HR as a Marketing Tool. Casey spoke about the benefits to companies of promoting their social responsibility policies to increase consumer loyalty. Corporate Social Responsibility is a very hot topic right now, as can be seen in the January 17 issue of the Economist. Carey asserted that central to social responsibility issues are HR Policies that display a high regard for employee's benefits and appreciation. She expressed that many companies can see increased market share by doing a better job of promoting the good internal HR policies and external social responsibility initiatives that they may already be doing.

Her position is that consumers have more access now to the culture and policies of big businesses, and therefore are more likely to make buying decisions based on how they feel a company's ideals align with their own.

She also discussed how promoting social responsibility initiatives and positive internal HR policies can affect recruiting and retention, thereby affecting bottom lines from the inside out. On this issue, the word from the recruiting front lines is simply this: THAT'S ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! We have seen first hand for years that promoting strong employee benefits and appreciation is a key to building a strong employment brand. Employment Brand is a term used to identify the marketing efforts geared toward recruiting and employee retention. This is a must-do for any business that relies on it's talent pool to maintain market share and grow their business. The war for talent is becoming more expensive and difficult to win every day, and as the baby-boomers leave the traditional workforce and the job growth continues to rise, the ability to be viewed as the employer of choice will be the key to winning the best talent.

Carey also discussed how it is important, particularly in a state as ethnically homogeneous as Maine to include people with disabilities in the diversity discussion. She cited how disabled Americans control a trillion dollars in expendable income, and that this is a group very likely to want to do business with businesses that have disability initiatives in place.

It was a good meeting, and left me thinking about how the business I work for can help HR professionals build their employment brand, and embed it into their consumer marketing....

Any thoughts on this?

Jason Blais on FoxNews

Word Cloud for RFL

Wordle: The Recruiting Front Lines

Using Video to Reinforce Employment Brand