I've been researching Skills Inventories and Skill Sets in relation to job functions for an upcoming seminar I'm developing. If you'd like to share your input on what I'm working on, please check out some more detail in this forum at
HRM TODAY, the Social Network for Today's HR Professional- free plug Laurie, no need to send money :) If you're not familiar with this resource, take a look around, it's a great place to peruse.
Anyway, in my research, I've come across numerous lists and processes for job seekers to itemize their on skills inventory. In the program I'm working on, HR professionals will use similar methodology to uncover latent skills within their current workforce. Once uncovered, the employer can provide opportunities to employees to work cross functionally, effectively increasing productivity, engagement, and retention. This is even more important during a recession (remember, like Hermione Grainger said in Harry Potter, "fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself"- IT IS IMPORTANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE REALITY OF OUR CURRENT ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT- sorry... I digress), when employers are forced to do more with less.
In my digging, I found the following worksheet to be of the most value, at least in my opinion, and thought I'd pass it along. This is a great Skills Inventory list from SunRaye Enterprises. You can find more great info like this at their website: http://www.sunraye.com/job_net/
I've been
Worksheet #5 - Skills Inventory Worksheet For each skill, rank your degree of competence as you would compare yourself with others -- your classmates, friends etc. For those skills where your degree of competence is above average, describe briefly the experience(s) in which you gained the skill.
Skill | Never Done | Needs Work | Average | Above Average | Experience(s) Where You Gained the Skill |
Analyzing Situations or Data |
Assembling Equipment or information |
Calculating Mathematical computations or risk assessment |
Coaching Guiding or tutoring |
Competitiveness Ability to compete with others and a willingness to be measured on performance |
Compiling Data or facts |
Constancy Persistent, faithful |
Constructing Objects or buildings |
Coordinating Activities or events |
Corresponding Answering or initiating |
Counseling |
Creating Artistic creations, new ideas or inventions |
Deciding Finding alternatives, making best use of resources or materials |
Delegating Tasks or responsibilities |
Designing Products or systems |
Direction Ability to define personal goals and needs |
Displaying Ideas, products or equipment |
Editing Newspapers or magazines |
Energy Level Ability to demonstrate a forcefulness and capacity to make things move ahead |
Estimating Costs, income or physical space |
Evaluating Performance, programs, processes or events |
Flexibility Capable of change and receptive to new situations and ideas |
Fund Raising One-to-one or through media |
Goal Achievement Ability to identify, work toward and obtain specific objectives |
Group Facilitating Managing group interactions |
Handling Complaints Parents, clients or citizens |
Inspecting or Examining Physical objects, financial statements, or through test administration |
Interpreting Data, legal, medical terminology or another language |
Interviewing Seeking information from others and making subsequent decisions or suggestions |
Investigating Private information underlying causes or events |
Making Layouts For printed media public displays or advertising |
Measuring |
Meeting the Public Receptionist, host, agency or product rep, salesperson, etc. |
Monitoring Progress of people or equipment |
Motivating Self and others |
Observing Physical phenomena, human behaviour or situations |
Operating Equipment, machines or vehicles |
Organizing People, information or events |
Patience Ability to remain calm, endurance |
Planning Budgeting, goal setting, scheduling |
Perseverance Ability to continue a course of action in spite of difficulties or opposition |
Programming Equipment or activities |
Promoting One-to-one or though media |
Recording Numerical or scientific data |
Record Keeping Logs, files or time sheets |
Repairing Equipment, vehicles, furniture, appliances, accessories, etc. |
Researching Obtaining information from the library, surveys or physical data |
Self-knowledge Ability to assess your own capabilities |
Self-starter Ability to identify purposeful work and to take action |
Selling Ideas, products or policies |
Serving A product or an individual |
Sketching Pictures, diagrams or charts |
Speaking In public, groups or via electronic media |
Supervising People or processes |
Teaching Formal or informal |
Timing Organizing time or events |
Troubleshooting Equipment or situations |
Updating Information or records |
Using Instruments Engineering, medical or scientific |
Writing Creative, business, or non-fiction |
Other Skills You'd Like to Add (e.g. Word Processing, Spread Sheets, Accounting) |